31 Jul 2015


​​Walking Home

small snowflakes are whipping my face
we walk together down the road
i to my apartment; you to the train station
together we talk
our silence punctuated with conversation
together we walk
our footsteps echoing on soft dark tar

28 Jul 2015


My lovely brother took this photograph of me last week on a visit to Nordrhein Westfalen in Germany. It was so lovely to see him again after a year of being seperated. He's really, really the coolest kid I know.

Check out his awesome work if you love Ireland, weddings and analogue photography.

7 Jul 2015


Der Kaffee dampft.

Langsam kehren die Lebensgeister zurück.

Ich wache auf, der altrosa Morgen erstreckt sich über die Firmengebäude, die wie Roboter, streng und geradestehend, den Morgen salutieren.

Ich sitze in Mc Donald​s​: die Wände in Kakao Zebrastreifen gefärbt, der billige Holztisch an den Boden fest montiert, und über die In-House Sprechanlage spielt Xavier Naidoos "bitte hör nicht auf zu träumen".

Und ich, habe ich schon aufgehört zu träumen?

5 Jul 2015


I visited the current William Kentridge installation, showing at the IZIKO National Art Gallery in town on a bright summer's day.

Perhaps it was the at first intimidatingly loud music, the rattling of the machine, or the quietness of the rest of the other exhibits, but when I came home I penned this poem.