18 Jun 2014


Not only is the beginning of summer refreshing for the soul — it’s an ideal time to leave the noisy city behind. Hitting the road and venturing into unknown land, through small towns and past idyllic farms is like hitting the refresh button. 

A friend and I drove from Hamburg to Ratzeburg in his Opel Speedster. While my ears are still buzzing from the growling engine, I discovered the Schleswig Holstein countryside to be quite charming. I took photographs in Ratzeburg, which is a tiny town with a population of about 13700 people.

Situated in Schleswig Holstein, about 160 km outside of Hamburg, it borders Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Breathtakingly, the town is surrounded by four lakes and so the historic center is located on what appears to be an island. 

It was great to get out and enjoy a sun-filled day with ice cream, music and the wind in my face. Check out the route here.